Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Unit Plan Canvas

This PLAYground canvas is intended to be an introduction for a middle school unit on Colonial America. The unit would stretch from the creation of the first colonies and stop right before the road to revolution. A lot of the unit would focus on the different interactions between peoples and how geography and religion shaped the colonies. My previous lesson had been on the Salem Witch Trials, which would work well for the religion aspect of the unit.

I approached the PLAYground with a little bit of skepticism; I wasn't entirely sold on the idea and could not see the benefit of a canvas. But after beginning the process and adding widgets and such, I actually started to really like it. For the most part it was easy to learn and user friendly. At time it was a bit glitchy, but I was able to work around it. The only aspect of this that I think could use some improvement would be visual components. I did not like how there was only a few colors to choose from and no font options. I found it harder to put emphasis on some boxes when everything generally looked the same. Also, I wish there was a way to increase the size of the canvas. I noticed that the more widgets I added, the more grid space I got, but that made it harder to navigate and I decided where and how I wanted to put everything. If it had something like a spreadsheet where you can just scroll in either directions forever, I think that that would make it easier to work your way to a finished product.


  1. Hi Erin, I just read your post and I had the same experience with this site. Though I was skeptical at first I had a lot of fun bringing my ideas to life in this interactive site! Also, the site was indeed very limited in the amount of expression and editing on could do. Overall, I was pleased with the outcome. I noticed on your canvas your additional resources are listed. Personally, I like the way the "More Info" widget looks with these types of sources (It looks like a little ball and an arrow). You just drag that, enter in a link, and save it! It's super simple and looks nice too!

    Also, if you wanted to do some sort of content area crossing you could have the students read some of The Crucible! I just reread it, so it's been on my mind! All in all, good post and nice canvas!

  2. Matthew,

    Thanks for the info on the additional resource link! I didn't notice it until I started looking at other canvases, and I'm definitely going to change it. Thanks!

