Sunday, October 20, 2013

Technology & Pedagogy

The lesson I chose to do for this assignment was on the Salem Witch Trails. I had originally chose this lesson plans because it was different than a lot of plans I had looked at, and it piqued my interests. This lesson plan, which estimated that it would take 4-46 minute lessons, employed a variety of teaching strategies and technologies. The main technology that was being used was the internet. A large portion of the lesson was a teacher guided look into an interactive website that would provide information on the Salem Witch Trials. After each section, there would be a discussion and review of the material that was just covered. There was also a group activity involving map analysis, and some teacher lecturing. For the end of the lesson, students were to simulate a 21st-century "witch trial." I think that the lesson did a good job aligning the goals and standards with the plan itself, but I think it would have been done better. After digging deep with the standards in front of me, I was able to find how some of the lesson fulfilled them, but they were not expressively clear. I did feel that some of the content was forced and maybe even unnecessary. For example, one of the  standards was analyzing maps. The students were to analyze where the accused and accusers lived in Salam and discuss why they came from all different parts of town. I honestly did not understand why this was an activity; there are much better places to incorporate map analysis to meet some core standards (ex: lessons on the Thirteen Colonies, or any war). In terms of how necessary the technologies that were used to achieve curriculum goals, I think that they are very necessary. The internet and research are a great way to help understand some of the goals outlined in the NJCCCS.


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